
更新 2024年8月27日



The image of a well-rounded student, ironically, hasn’t always included wellness. A heightened awareness of student wellbeing at MHS hopes to change that perception.

健康学院院长的任命, 对咨询项目的重新构想, and more time for social-emotional learning (SEL) are just some of the ways that work is taking shape this year at Miss Hall’s.

健康和保健团队也在不断壮大, 一年一度的健康日正在扩大为为期一周的关注, and a recent assessment found overall wellbeing among MHS students comparatively stronger than in U.S. 一般的高中.


“The initiatives we are taking highlight the importance we place on student wellness and social-emotional learning,克里斯汀·米兰诺解释道, 谁在7月份被任命为学院的首任健康系主任. “They also demonstrate a commitment to student development and learning in all domains, 课堂内外, 因为研究表明,那些感觉健康的学生, 安全, 和支持, 最终, 成功的学生.”

The 健康学院院长 position — part of the School’s Leadership Team — was created in response to post-COVID challenges schools and other institutions are facing. 其中包括儿童心理健康挑战的比例飙升, 青少年, 以及他们的家人, so much so that the American Academy for Pediatrics and other professional organizations declared a national emergency for child 精神 health in 2021. Culturally, there has also been growing awareness of the importance of wellness.

“We felt it was timely to invest additional resources in student 精神 health and wellness,校长茱莉亚·希顿说. “通过把这个职位提升到高级领导团队, 我们也推进我们的一个快乐的战略目标, 连接, 全面的学生体验.”

Ms. 米兰, 谁在2021年加入卫生部担任卫生和保健主任, 对这个职位来说,这是一个合理的选择吗. Her new role includes overseeing all aspects of student health and collaborating with the Deans and other professionals to design and deliver social-emotional learning and to reimagine the School’s Advising program.

“长期, we want to use data and best practices to inform development of school-wide programming in wellness,” Ms. 米兰补充道. “和领导团队一起, we are considering how wellness is and should be integrated into the culture, and we are envisioning steps to best equip our students with the skills they need to thrive.”


第一批举措之一是重新构想咨询计划, 长期以来,MHS在培养学生之间的联系方面有着优势, 他们的同龄人, 和成人.

Each Miss Hall’s student has an advisor available as a personal and academic counselor, 他还负责与其他教员的联络, 学校管理人员, 还有学生的家人. 事实上, the advisor is often among a student’s strongest advocates and is a key member of their Personal Team.

学术协调员/咨询协调员丽贝卡·库克杜宾P ' 24

今年夏天, longtime MHS 英语 Teacher Rebecca Cook-Dubin P’24 stepped into the roles of Academic Coordinator and Advising Coordinator. 在担任顾问的过程中. 库克-杜宾提供指导和资源, 包括专业发展, 对顾问, while also serving as a point-person for and a regular connection to advisors.

“我们的目标是让顾问感到有能力做他们最擅长的事情, 也就是支持学生,她解释道。. 米兰. ”,, 做到最好, advisors themselves need to feel supported and that they have the resources they need to connect with students.”

Ms. Cook-Dubin’s work includes supporting ways in which weekly Advisor meetings can foster social-emotional learning, 今年的学生生活主题是“我”, 你, Us.这是对MHS校训Meus Honor Stat(拉丁语“我的荣誉站”)的即兴模仿。, 主题是探索我们每个人作为个体是谁, 我们如何与他人互动, 以及我们如何共同努力维护一个包容的社区.

新的“加里,“90分钟的学习时间, provide extended opportunities monthly to tackle SEL on schoolwide and classwide levels.

The Health and Wellness team also collaborated with 视野 faculty to expand weekly social-emotional learning offered during 9th grade 视野 programming. That curriculum now includes 19 lessons based on an integrated health model that features physical, 精神, 以及社会情感成分, 包括沟通技巧, 健康的关系, 社交媒体, 性教育与生殖, 药物使用和滥用, 身体形象, 以及其他话题.

今年也是新的, the annual Mental Health Summit — a day focused on learning about 精神 wellness — has been expanded to Wellness Week. “The aim is for students to engage in opportunities that are not ‘one-and-done,但整个星期都在加强,” Ms. 米兰解释说.

We want students taking full advantage of academic opportunities to grow intellectually. We also want them to take advantage of opportunities to grow personally and interpersonally.


支持这些举措, 健康与福利小组已经发展到四名护士和两名辅导员, providing capacity to handle day-to-day student needs and present the SEL curriculum. 总而言之, 学校优先考虑学生的健康, likely not surprising to those familiar with the student-centered approach long a hallmark at MHS. 这是成功的.


去年春天, the School partnered with the organization Authentic Connections to administer the High Achieving Schools Survey to MHS students. 大多数学生——92%! -参与了匿名调查, 哪个收集澳门威利斯网站值的数据, 同理心和善良, 抑郁和焦虑, 物质使用, 以及与家人的关系, 朋友, 学校里的成年人.

The goal was to learn more about the preoccupations and concerns of students and, 相应的, 告知卫生部的措施. The survey also provided insight into the state of health and wellness among MHS students. Ms. 米兰诺的团队正在努力向MHS社区展示研究结果, 但总体来说, 结果是积极的.

“Our student wellbeing is strong, compared to high schools on average and other schools across the U.S.她指出. “总的来说, our students feel 连接 to the community — to adults and peers — and that is something we really strive for, 所以有这样的反馈很好.”

需要解决的问题包括学生之间缺乏联系的情况. “That includes students from underrepresented backgrounds and partnering with our Diversity, 股本, and Inclusion team to make sure we have appropriate supports in place so that all students feel that same positive connection to the School,” Ms. 米兰补充道.

还有改善与父母和家庭关系的空间. “It’s about being on the same page and having families understand how we approach things, 因此,家庭可以最好地支持学生, 他们可以和我们交流, 所以我们可以最好地支持他们的学生,她补充道.

(2023 MHS Mental Health Summit Keynote Speaker Ysabel Garcia, of Estoy Aquí LLC)

她说,所有这些举措. 米兰继续说道,反映了学院对澳门威利斯网站毕业生的希望. “Of course we want students taking full advantage of academic opportunities to grow intellectually, but we also want them to take advantage of opportunities to grow personally and interpersonally, 所以他们可以成为我们希望他们成为的有贡献的全球公民,她说。.

换句话说, wellness and social-emotional learning are underpinnings of student success — not only while at Miss Hall’s, 也为他们在mhs之后的成功做好了准备. 强调工作的重要性.

“这是一种承认,学习不会在课堂之外停止, and that there are certain emotional and social skills a student needs to learn along with academics,” Ms. 米兰补充道. “It’s also an acknowledgement that it needs to be integrated into the daily life of our school and culture, 这些技能将使学生在学业上茁壮成长, 社会, 在情感上, 在大学, 在工作中.”

